The second group first visited a small orphanage in the countryside, teeming with wide-eyed, ecstatic children who couldn't wait for the activities we had planned. Some excelled in painting, others were drawn immediately to physical challenges such as football and the game 'Statues'. There were also musical performances, courtesy of a talented group of students, and many learned how to play the ukulele. The second orphanage was brimming with youthful smiles and artistic hands, glitter at the ready. Ngoai, one of the shining stars of the dancing team, led many of the students in a dance marathon, consisting of popular songs such as Gangnam style and other traditional and obscure dances. All of the children left us with heartfelt souvenirs and gifts which ranged from handmade bracelets to beautiful artwork.
Overall, there was not a dry eye on the buses home. It's fair to say that they've all touched us in unimaginable ways.
The other group visited Vinh Son 2, where they were greeted with wide grins and children jumping up and down. They went straight for the paints, the hula hoops and the skipping ropes. It was a beautiful, adorable mess of paint, glitter and crayons! Let's just say, everyone will have a hard time washing glitter out of their hair. The BIS students were fortunate enough to meet with some amazing artists: Lyly was among one of the blooming Picassos of our visit. After that, everybody gathered behind the school in a small auditorium, where music was made into memories. There was chanting, cheering, hooting, shouting, dancing, guitar-strumming and most definitely laughing. As the students gathered into a circle around Trang, the singing conductor of their little voices, it was then that we felt like a whole.
It's safe to say, we'll never forget these little angels.
Alas, our trip has met its end. As the Kontum team prepares for breakfast, luggage in hands, we are in a strange mix of emotions: blissful yet wistful, weary yet content. Our journey has been fantastic, and we don't exaggerate when we say it will stay in the back of our minds forever. From long, arduous treks to skipping rope with the children at Vinh Son, from dust and mud through to glitter and paint, we students have loved every moment. At the start, we were merely acquaintances, expecting a week's worth of work; now, we are a family, looking back only with fond memories of a trip's worth of fun. As much fun as it was, however, this week was undoubtedly challenging. But the challenges were ridden out together. And we couldn't have asked for more.
We'll miss every little bit of Kontum, our final destination as BIS students.
The K Team