Parent Information Evenings
It was good to see so many of you at our series of information evenings this week. These evenings serve many purposes. They are run by the leaders of our Welfare and Guidance Team so as to introduce or re-acquaint parents with the systems and people that are in place to ensure that your children are well cared for while they are in school. Children who are confident, healthy, contented and who are developing self-esteem in themselves and others are more likely to make the most of the opportunities to learn. At the evenings, the Heads of Year introduced parents to this year’s team of Form Tutors. These people meet your children every morning, monitor and develop their general well-being, and check progress and success across the curriculum areas. Later in the term, our programme of reports and parent-teacher-student-conferences will provide opportunities for parents to be informed about achievement and progress in each subject.
Sleep replenishes brain cells

Parent Handbook 2013-14
The Parent Handbook for this academic year is now available on the school website here:
New families and those with children in Year 7 should have a printed copy each. If you did not receive your copy for any reason, please contact the school Reception.
Richard Dyer
Head Teacher
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