Monday 8 October 2012

Hue House Assembly

This all seems so formal. Let's just talk. I like my school. I like the people in it. I like it despite its chilly rooms, rigid deadlines, piles of homework assignments and patchy internet connection. But I do, I like it. And when you like your school, when you like your house, it's easy to just sit back and simply let everything be without ever getting involved.
It's not that simple.
It's not easy to get up, dust off your knees and actually go ahead and support it. Your House only exists because each and every one of you is a part of it; you're all important; you're all part of a mechanized system that would otherwise falter if not for you. I stand here today, another cog in the great clockwork that is our House, Hue, encouraging you to support and stand up for yourselves as individual representatives of your house. Support it because you’re worth something. Supporting your House doesn't mean winning. Supporting your house means having the audacity and courage to want to try something new, something exciting, all in the hope that even if you fail, you still stood up for something. You chose to stand together with your fellow classmates and you chose to take part in a community of thinkers, of creators, of risk takers.

I want to draw your attention to some really awesome activities you should all be thinking about participating in. There’s BIS Has Got Talent coming up, and for some of us it’s probably a chance to sit back and watch others fail. Don’t be that kid. Because by the end of the day, the student who participated and stood up to perform would be the one everyone reveres.
Another thing I’m encouraging you to join is the International Day Fashion Show. Most of you joined, but you year 7s and 10s have yet to complete all the slots. Year 7’s, don’t be afraid. We’re all here to support you. Year 10s, man up and strut down that runway like the fabulous Hue student you are. International Day can only work if we put ourselves into the work, so try to take part in as many things as you possibly can!
Ms Jones would also like to call your attention to the Inter-House Debate, which is a great opportunity to obliterate and completely destroy the well-cultivated ideas of smart-alecks and know-it-alls.
But in the end it's your choice. Whether you want to be involved, whether you want to stay out, I can't decide it for you. But sometime, you will come to realise that without your contribution, nothing great would ever be achieved by this House. If you stand up for something, contribute even in the slightest way, you can change the outcome of the game just like that….!
Amanda Reid
House Captain Hue, Year 12


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