Friday 13 September 2013

Ingredients for Success at BIS……..

The STEDS Programme

Study Timetable…It is vital that students write up a structured, realistic and meaningful study timetable every Sunday evening for the forthcoming week ahead. It is also important that students keep a record of each week’s timetable so they can build up a good picture of how much time they’ve spent on each subject. Ad hoc study here and there doesn’t reap the same benefits or results of a well-oiled timetable.
Targets…Write down some specific targets or goals on a big sheet of paper and put it somewhere in your bedroom or home where it’s very visible. You need to see your goal every single day of the week. Remember, if a friend or family member does not laugh at your goal, then you haven’t dreamt big enough!!!
Exercise…You must incorporate some exercise in to your weekly routine, whether it’s taking your dog for a brisk walk, cycling to your friends or playing basketball at lunch time. Even taking a quick five minute exercise break between study/homework can really help your brain work a lot better. Remember:  one needs both a healthy mind and body to really succeed.
Diet…Breakfast is the absolute most important meal of the day. You wouldn’t drive a motorbike to District 11 if you have no fuel, so why would you come to school on an empty stomach? You need to fuel your body and brain with wholesome, nourishing food and water before starting your first lesson of the day.
Sleep…staying up late into the night studying, social networking or gaming is not what your body needs. It requires a good eight hours of sleep each and every night, no exceptions. Top tip from professional triathlete, Omar Nour, is to OUTSLEEP your opponents in order to have the optimum mental strength and focus.

Rob Bergin
Head of Year 11, Head of Middle Secondary

1 comment:

  1. Well described about the Ingredients for Success, if you follow these key points then defiantly you can get the Success in your life.
