Tuesday 18 September 2012

From The Head Teacher

We are three weeks into term now and the term is definitely in full swing with the campus possibly even more vibrant than ever before.  New students have integrated well and are establishing themselves as part of AP2.  We are all very much enjoying our new science laboratories and enhanced learning support, drama and music facilities.


Our extensive activities programme got off to a good start this week.  It is fabulous to see so many students involved in sports, the arts and community service.  The interest was so great that many activities were oversubscribed and we have had to extend the staffing on some.  We have been checking numbers this week and will ensure that everyone settles into confirmed activities over the coming week.  You can always check on your child’s programme by visiting CHQ, which is accessible through the home page of our school website: www.bisvietnam.com. Your child has the user name and password.

Laptops for Learning

Despite the country’s problems with the internet link to the rest of the world, our expanded laptop programme has got off to an excellent start.  Our IT team members have been putting in the hours with our extensive server and network upgrades and we can expect to see significant improvements in speed and reliability over the weeks to come.  We have nearly 100% uptake among students in Years 10-13 and it is good to see the laptops being used in lessons and at break times.  Ben Turner, Learning Technologies Integrator, is preparing a series of articles which set out what we are doing, how we are doing it, why we are doing it and how learning is being enhanced through technology.  His first piece appears today and I encourage all the school community to read it.

Teaching staff 2012-13

New teachers have added their photos and profiles to the school website and can be seen here:

Richard Dyer
Head Teacher



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